Foreword viiAcknowledgements ixAbout the Companion Website xi1 The Diagnostic Appointment 12 Preliminary Impressions 53 Custom Trays: The Key to a Great Final Impression 174 Using Custom Trays to Make Final Impressions 255 The Final Impression 416 Boxing and Pouring a Final Impression 477 Base Plates and Occlusion Rims 518 Adjusting Wax Rims to Fit the Patient 579 Using the Denar Facebow 5910 Mounting Maxillary Casts on an Articulator 6311 Centric Relation Records 6712 Selecting Proper Denture Teeth 7313 Setting Anterior Denture Teeth 8114 Setting Posterior Anatomic Teeth in Bilaterally Balanced Occlusion 8515 Setting Zero-Degree Posterior Teeth in Monoplane Occlusion 9316 Overview of Lingualized Occlusion 9917 Setting Teeth in a Lingualized Occlusion 10518 The Anterior Esthetic Wax Try-In 11119 The Complete Denture Wax-Up 11520 Sealing Complete Dentures to the Cast 12121 The Wax Try-in of Teeth 12322 Making an Arbitrary Posterior Palatal Seal in the Lab 13523 Interacting with Dental Labs 13724 Flasking, Packing, and Processing Complete Dentures 13925 Completing a Laboratory Remount 15126 Making a Remount Index 15527 Remove Complete Denture from the Cast and Finish 15928 Quality Standards in Appearance 16529 Inserting Complete Dentures in the Mouth 16930 Performing a Clinical Remount 17531 Equilibrating Dentures Set in Lingualized Occlusion 18732 Equilibrating Fully Anatomic (30°) Set-Ups 19133 Equilibrating Complete Dentures Set in a Monoplane Occlusion 19734 Troubleshooting Complete Denture Problems 19935 Replacing Teeth on a Complete Denture 21536 Repairing a Broken Complete Denture 21937 Using Implants to Stabilize a Complete Denture 22938 Immediate Complete Dentures 23939 Tissue Conditioners 25340 The Fabrication of Digital Complete Dentures 263List of Captions 271Index 293
The EditorsCARL F. DRISCOLL, DMD, is a Professor of Prosthodontics at the School of Dentistry, University of Maryland in Baltimore, Maryland, USA and in private practice in Bethesda, Maryland, USA.WILLIAM GLEN GOLDEN, DDS, is retired from the United States Navy Dental Corps and a retired Clinical Associate Professor of Prosthodontics from the Ohio State University College of Dentistry in Columbus, Ohio, USA.