Contents: Introduction: Traversing the Fantasy, Geoff Boucher and Matthew Sharpe. Part 1 Psychoanalysis: The politics of style in the works of Slavoj Zizek, Justin Clemens; The law as a thing: Zizek and the graph of desire, Geoff Boucher. Part 2 Culture: Flesh for fantasy: aesthetics, the fantasmatic, and film noir, Robert Miklitsch; Zizek and Deleuze, Ian Buchanan. Part 3 Ideology: What If God was one of us - Zizek's ontology, Robert Paul Resch; Where is your hamster? The concept of ideology in Zizek's cultural theory, Robert Pfaller. Part 4 Politics: 'Well-placed reflections': on woman as symptom of man, Sarah Herbold; What's left in Zizek? The antinomies of Zizek's sociopolitical reason, Matthew Sharpe. Part 5 Ethics: The lure of Antigone: Aporias of an ethics of the political, Yannis Stavrakakis; Absolute freedom and major structural change, Russell Grigg. Part 6 Philosophy: The eclipse of coincidence: Lacan, Merleau-Ponty and Zizek's misreading of Schelling, Peter Dews. Part 7 Reply: Concesso non Dato, Slavoj Zizek. Bibliography; Index.