1: Poetry; 1: Romanticism and Modern Arabic Literature; 2: Tradition as a Factor of Arabic Modernism; 3: Tradition and Modernity in Arabic Poetry; 4: Sundry Observations on the Fate of Poetry in the Early Islamic Period; 5: Changing Technique in Modern Arabic Poetry; 6: Literacy, Munificence and Legitimation of Power During the Reign of the Party Kings in Muslim Spain; 7: The Authenticity of the Poems ascribed to Umayya Ibn Ab? al-?alt; 8: The Hunt in the Arabic Qas?dah; 9: ?Abb?sid Panegyric; 10: Naj?b Al-?add?d's Essay on the Comparison of Arabic and European Poetry; 2: Prose and Drama; 11: Arabic Influences in the Literature of Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Britain; 12: Tradition and Modernity in the work of the Tunisian writer al-Mas?ad?; 13: The Organizational Principles in Ibn Sall?m's ?abaq?t Fu??l al-Shu?ar??; 14: On Rhyming Endings and Symmetric Phrases in Al-hamadh?n?'s Maq?m?t; 15: The Prose Literature of Pre-Islamic Arabia; 16: Modernity In A Classical Arabic Adab Work, The Kit?b Al-agh?n?; 3: Language; 17: An Incomplete Egyptian Ballad on The 1956 War; 18: Mysticism in Arabic Writing; 19: Rescuing Arabic Rhetoric from Neglect; 20: The Dispute of Coffee and Tea; 21: Some sociolinguistic concepts of style and stylistic variation in spoken Arabic; 22: The Language of Ibn al-Muj?wir's 7th/13th Century Guide to Arabia, T?r?kh al-Mustab?ir 1