Part ll: China - How Dragon Creates a New Paradigm of Development
2. China's "New Normal": Explaining China’s Economic Development from Institutional and Marxian Perspectives
3. A Opening Up and Unbalanced Development in the Chinese Regions: Theoretical Thinking and Some Empirical Evidence
4. The “Belt and Road” Initiative and Economic Integration
Part lll: India: Elephant Rises at Last
5. Is India Key to Asian Financial Integration?
6. A Sustainable Business Models: Experiences from Indian Micro Enterprises
7. Creation of Shared Values by Indian Enterprises
Part lV: Japan – A Perplexing Future
8. The Two Asian Growth Paths of Prosperity and Stagnation: India and Japan
9. India-Japan Cultural Distance on the Mottainai Ethics
10. Economic Interdepen
dence of Japan and China: An Understanding
Part V: Asian Parallels/ Putting Asian Economies in Perspective
11. The Korean Economy: Creating Space between China and Japan
12. Economic Growth as a Cause of Environmental Degradation: The Australian Experience
13. Republic of China’s (Taiwan) Control Yuan As a Participant in Anti-Corruption and Integrity-Building Initiatives
14. Real Exchange Rate, Trade Balance and Deindustrialization in Indonesia
Part Vl: Pacification of Asia and Economic Cooperation
15. Some Emerging Trends in the Pacification of Asia
16. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank :Role and Implications for Emerging Asian Economies
Part Vll: Conclusion
17. Conclusions
Arindam Banik is the Director and Professor of International Finance and Business at the International Management Institute, Kolkata, India.
Munim K. Barai is Professor of Finance at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan. He holds a Ph.D. Degree from the Delhi School of Economics, India. He is a Fulbright Scholar.
Yasushi Sazuki is Professor of Finance, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan. He holds a Ph.D. Degree from the University of London.
This book focuses on the tremendous shift in both economic growth and development progress taking place towards the Asia-Pacific Region. Each of the countries in the region has various concerns and challenges for its sustainable development, a common goal most of them are trying to achieve at the moment. Interestingly, sustainable development in the region may be critical for achieving sustainable development at the global level as well. With a limited mandate, the book covers some specific developmental issues of ‘the hot spots’ of APR that are regarded to be contributing to their sustainable development. The book also looks at the formation and strengthening of some economic and financial initiatives with the potentials to affect growth and influence economic cooperation and integration of the countries in the region.