Giacinto della Cananea is a professor and leading authority on EU administrative law and comparative administrative law. His publications include five monographs, 20 edited volumes, and over 150 articles, book chapters, and comments to judicial decisions on national and EU administrative law, global administrative law, and public finances. He is a co-ordinator of ReNEUAL, and a member of the European Group of Public Law, the European Constitutional Law Network, the
Societas Juris Public Europei, and the Dornburg Group of Administrative Law.
Roberto Caranta is a professor in the Law Department of the University of Turin (IT), and Director of the Master's Program on Public Procurement Management for Sustainable Development. He works on institutional issues of EU law, and specifically judicial review, environmental law, and public procurement law. He was the General rapporteur to the 2014 FIDE Congress in Copenhagen. He is an editor or co-editor of several texts including the European Procurement Law Series; Cost and EU
Public Procurement Law:Life-Cycle Costing for Sustainability (2020); Transparency in EU Procurements (2019); and The Making of a New European Legal Culture: the Aarhus Convention (2018).