Foreword Ortrud R. Oellermann; Preface Lowell W. Beineke and Robin J. Wilson; Preliminaries Lowell W. Beineke and Robin J. Wilson; 1. Menger's theorem Ortrud R. Oellermann; 2. Maximally connected graphs Dirk Meierling and Lutz Volkmann; 3. Minimal connectivity Matthias Kriesell; 4. Contractions of k-connected graphs Kiyoshi Ando; 5. Connectivity and cycles R. J. Faudree; 6. H-linked graphs Michael Ferrara and Ronald J. Gould; 7. Tree-width and graph minors Dieter Rautenbach and Bruce Reed; 8. Toughness and binding numbers Ian Anderson; 9. Graph fragmentability Keith Edwards and Graham Farr; 10. The phase transition in random graphs Béla Bollobás and Oliver Riordan; 11. Network reliability and synthesis F. T. Boesch, A. Satyanarayana and C. L. Suffel; 12. Connectivity algorithms Abdol-Hossein Esfahanian; 13. Using graphs to find the best block designs R. A. Bailey and Peter J. Cameron; Notes on contributors; Index.