ISBN-13: 9781539644651 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 84 str.
Abu Hurayrah RA narrates that the Messenger PBUH has stated, "Whoever does not supplicate to Allah Ta'ala, He becomes angry with him." Ahmad in his Musnad, Ibn Majah, al-Bayhaqi and at-Tabarani
Anas RA narrates that the Messenger of Allah Ta'ala has stated, "One should ask from Allah for all one's needs even if it be for a shoelace." Ibn Hibban, at-Tabarani and al-Bayhaqi
Man has forgotten how much Allah Ta'ala loves him. While no one says that people should not engage in pursuing their livelihood, a reminder needs to be given to everyone to make time during the day to allow one's thoughts to return to Allah Ta'ala, taking time out to praise Him and ask for our needs.
While one should indeed ask for our needs of the afterlife, the Prophe PBUH has instructed that equally, we should ask from Allah Ta'ala for even the most simple of our daily requirements. This, as we can clearly see will allow us to remember Allah Ta'ala more often during the day. This is an easy way of pleasing Him.
We have covered the supplications that are found in the Qur'an in our book, "Supplications from the Holy Qur'an," and the adiyah taught to us by the Messenger PBUH, which are related to either a specific action or a specific time have been included in the book, "The Prophet's PBUH way of Dua'." This book records transmitted some of the narrated adiyah which are not specifically time or place related.
This book presents before the reader prayers from various books of Ahadith. These adiyah are either what have been taught by the Messenger PBUH, what have been transmitted from other Prophets PBUH, or have been recommended by the companions RA.