ISBN-13: 9781498486224 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 134 str.
Through the Valley I Walk....... A book about a powerful and all known God who heard my prayers during a very dark period in my life. The Lord answered my prayers by beckoning me to follow him through the valley of purification and restoration. With much doubt, I accepted His invitation, unknowingly into a new life. The selections below are from Through the Valley I Walk....... My sincere hope is that the selections will heightened your interest to want to read more and purchase the book. "Reflecting back on my life seventeen years ago, I am inspired to see a life without peace. My days were dark and filled with confusion........." "Accepting the Lord's invitation to follow him unleased a new life within..........." "In my mind's eyes, I saw the Lord turn his head slightly toward me with a look of great concern........" "After what seemed like a life time, God did make his move. His move was unlike man's move........" "Today, I approach worldly circumstances with confidence in the outcome because I know who I am and whose I am........"