"This book is a prime source for those wishing to know where Peace Education has been, what it has become and where it might be going. [It] presents both peace research and peace education in a comprehensive and comprehensible fashion. It will be a source book for scholars." -- British Journal of Educational Studies
Part I P eace E ducation in C omparative P erspective; Chapter 1 P eace E ducation and the C omparative S tudy of E ducation, Robin J. Burns, Robert Aspeslagh; Chapter 2 A pproaching P eace T hrough E ducation, Robert Aspeslagb, Robin J. Burns; Part II D eveloping E ducation for P eace; Chapter 3 A G lobal S trategy for C ommunication and C onsciousness R aising in V arious L ocal S ettings; Chapter 4 T oward a D efinition of P eace S tudies, Máire A. Dugan, Dennis Carey; Chapter 5 O n I nclusion and E xclusion, Magnus Haavelsrud; Chapter 6 P roblems of L egitimation of P eace E ducation, Robin J. Burns; Chapter 7 P eace E ducation on the B ack of the P eace M ovement, Jan Maasen; Part III P erspectives on P eace E ducation; Chapter 8 M ilitarism and S exism, Betty Reardon; Chapter 9 R acial J ustice, G lobal D evelopment or P eace, David Hicks; Chapter 10 T oward a B etter W orld ?, Toh Swee-Hin (S.H. Toh), Virginia Floresca-Cawagas; Chapter 11 T he E cology M ovement — a N ew F ield for P eace E ducation, Marianne Gronemeyer; Chapter 12 T he R ole of P eace E ducation in P eace B uilding in A frica, Samie Ikechi Ihejirika; Chapter 13 P eace E ducation as a P rotest and R esistance against M arginalization and E urocentrism, Sanàa Osseiran; Chapter 14 P olish E ducational V alues, Zbyszko Melosik; Part IV A pproaches to the P rocess of P eace E ducation; Chapter 15 A dult E ducation for P eacebuilding, Chadwick F. Alger; Chapter 16 TAGASAN, Eleanor Dionisio; Chapter 17 T hink and T each G lobally — A ct L ocally, Eva Nordland; Chapter 18 A P eace M useum as a C enter for P eace E ducation, Kazuyo Yamane; Chapter 19 E ducating for a P eace C ulture, Robert Aspeslagh; Chapter 20 P ostmodernism, P eace C ulture, and P eace E ducation, Lennart Vriens; Part V E pilogue; Chapter 21 D o P ractical R ealists A ppear to B e D reamers ?, Robin J. Burns; Chapter 22 D reamers A ppear to B e P ractical R ealists, Robert Aspeslagh;
Robin J. Burns (Edited by) , Robert Aspeslagh (Edited by)