ISBN-13: 9781910201688 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 132 str.
ISBN-13: 9781910201688 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 132 str.
''Mother, is the rest ready? 'Asks Judas. 'Yes, son. But.. I do not know the habits of kings. ' 'Which habits, woman? Which kings? What have You done, Judas? ' 'Are You not the promised King of Israel? It is time that the world should salute You as such, and that must happen for the first time here, in my town, in my house.... do not give me the lie. ' 'Woman, friends, please. I must speak to Judas... ' 'Judas: what have you done? Israel is subjected to Rome.... Only a few days ago you heard how pitiless they were against a Child because they were afraid He might be a king according to the world. And yet you ... Oh Judas What do you expect from the sovereignty of the flesh?... In you there is pride, there is greed and all its three branches, there is arrogance... even your mother must be afraid of you... you are inclined to falsehood... No, My follower must not be like that. Judas, I do not hate you, I do not curse you. I only say to you, and I am saying it with the grief of one who knows he cannot change the person he loves, I only say to you: go your way, make your way in the world, since that is what you want, but do not stay with Me. Blushing purple and mortified, Judas kneels down before Jesus and he cries with his head on Jesus' knees: 'I love you, Master, Don't reject me. Yes, I am proud and foolish but don't send me away. 'That is all right, Judas. I forgive you once again...I forgive you, hoping... hoping that in future you will understand Me. ' 'Yes, Master. But, now, do not give me the lie, otherwise I will be laughed at. Everybody in Kerioth knows that I was coming with David's Descendant, the King of Israel... And I swear that I... ' 'Do not swear to Me.... For the sake of your mother and your fellow citizens I will not shame you... Stand up. ' 'What will You tell the others? '