Introduction; Bernard Veldkamp, Cor Sluijter.- Preface.- Theme 1: Improving test quality.- 1. The Validity of Technology Enhanced Assessment – Threats and Op-portunities; Saskia Wools, Mark Molenaar, Dorien Hopster-den Otter.- 2. A Framework for Improving the Accessibility of Assessment Tasks; Erik Roelofs.- 3. The Design and Validation of the Renewed Systems-Oriented Talent Management Model; Arnold Brouwer, Bernard Veldkamp, Marieke Vroom.- 4. Assessing Computer-Based Assessments; Bas Hemker, Cor Sluijter, Piet Sanders.- Theme 2: Psychometrics.- 5. Network Psychometrics in Educational Practice. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Curie-Weiss Model; Maarten Marsman, Charlotte Tanis, Timo Bechger, Lourens Wal-dorp.- 6. On the Number of Items in Testing Mastery of Learning Objectives; Anton Béguin, Hendrik Straat.- 7. Exponential Family Models for Continuous Responses; Norman Verhelst.- 8. Tracking Ability: Defining Trackers for Measuring Educational Progress; Matthieu Brinkhuis, Gunter Maris.- 9. Finding Equivalent Standards in Small Samples; Monika Vaheoja.- Theme 3: Large Scale Assessments.- 10. Clustering Behavioral Patterns Using Process Data in PIAAC Problem-Solving Items; Qiwei He, Dandan Liao, Hong Jiao.- 11. Reliability Issues in High-Stakes Educational Tests; Cees Glas.- 12. Differential Item Functioning in PISA due to Mode Effects; Remco Feskens, Jean-Paul Fox, Robert Zwitser.- 13. Investigating Rater Effects in International Large-Scale Assessments; Hyo Jeong Shin, Matthias von Davier, Kentaro Yamamoto.- Theme 4: Computerized adaptive testing in educational measurement.- 14. Multidimensional Computerized Adaptive Testing for Classifying Examinees; Maaike van Groen, Theo Eggen, Bernard Veldkamp.- 15. Robust Computerized Adaptive Testing; Bernard Veldkamp, Angela Verschoor.- 16. On-the-fly Calibration in Computerized Adaptive Testing; Angela Verschoor, Stéphanie Berger, Urs Moser, Frans Kleintjes.- 17. Reinforcement Learning applied to Adaptive Classification Testing; Darkhan Nurakhmetov.- Theme 5: Technological developments in educational measurement.- 18. Feasibility and Value of Using a GoPro Camera and iPad to Study Teacher-Student Assessment Feedback Interactions; Fabienne van der Kleij, Joy Cumming, Lenore Adie.- 19. Game-based Spoken Interaction Assessment in Special Need Children; Jos Keuning, Sanneke Schouwstra, Femke Scheltinga, Marleen Van der Lubbe.- 20. The Theory and Practice of Educational Data Forensics; Sebastiaan de Klerk, Sanette van Noord, Christiaan van Ommering.
Cor Sluijter is director of the department of psychometrics and research of Cito. He has over 30 years of experience in developing paper- and computer-based tests and other assessment instruments for both the private and public sector. Cor was responsible for the transition of Cito’s Student Monitoring System for primary education from paper based to computer based. He was also responsible for the development of compulsory computerized (adaptive) entrance tests for the Teacher Colleges for Primary Education in the Netherlands and for the introduction of computerized exams for Dutch and arithmetic’s in Middle Vocational Education. Cor is a former Chair of the Dutch Exams Association (NVE) and member of the Dutch Advisory Board on Competencies in Financial Services. He is also co-editor of the Journal of Applied Testing Technology of the association of Test Publishers. Since 2014 Cor is a Fellow of the Association for Educational Assessment Europe. He holds a PhD in Social and Behavioural Sciences from the University of Amsterdam.
Bernard Veldkamp is full professor and head of the Department of Research Methodology, Measurement, and Data Analysis. He is chair of the Technology, Data-analytics and Decision-support Systems (DDS) Cluster of the faculty of Behavioral Management and Social Sciences at University of Twente. He is specialized in research methodology and data analytics and more specifically in the development of new methods/models for the design and construction of (adaptive) psychological and educational tests and learning environments. He works on the development of datamining models for analysing verbal data and large datasets. Bernard was founder and scientific director of the Research Centre for Examination and Certification (RCEC), a cooperation between CITO and University of Twente. He spent a year at Law School Admission Council in Newtown, Pennsylvania, where he worked on robustness of test assembly methods and on the combination of datamining and IRT models to increase measurement precision.
This open access book presents a multitude of different, yet related, innovations in educational measurement and provides insight in their practical possibilities.
The book not only addresses several improvements in the quality of educational measurement and innovations in (inter)national large scale assessments, but also several advances in psychometrics and improvements in computerized adaptive testing. Moreover, it also offers examples on the impact of new technology in assessment. By bringing together expertise from this variety of fields, advances in assessment are fostered and stimulated.
A wide range of topics by authors from both an academic and a professional background are discussed, among which are review systems tailored for the evaluation of the quality of computer-based educational tests, the Curie-Weiss model as a paradigm for the analysis of educational data, Bayesian techniques to decide on mastery in formative educational measurement and the comparison of Elo chess ratings as strategies for on-the-fly item calibration in computerized adaptive tests.
Due to its nature, the book appeals to a broad audience within the educational measurement community. As well as helping to expand theoretical knowledge, it also provides examples of practical implementation of innovations in testing technology and educational measurement