3. Gertrude Stein's prevarications 4. Ten portraits 5. The 'Bérard era' 6. Tchelitchew: weightiness and grace 7. Transparent bodies 8. Eugene Berman: dreaming of architecture 9. A Paper Ball 10. Medusa
Third act: Figures of style
11. Two minor arcana 12. The strange case of Waldemar-George 13. The invention of Neo-Romanticism 14. Neo-Humanism is a Neo-Mannerism 15. Fantasy landscapes 16. The theory of the saltimbanque
Fourth act: Convergence lines
17. The lightness of being 18. The English scene 19. Kit Wood, the outsider 20. The art of nuance
Patrick Mauriès is a writer and publisher of many notable titles on fashion and design, including Jewelry by Chanel (2012), A Cabinet of Rarities (2012), Maison Lesage (2020), The World According to Karl (2013) and Fashion Quotes: Stylish Wit and Catwalk Wisdom (2016), all published by Thames & Hudson.