1. Yemen and the Yemenis: An Introduction 1.1. Terrain and Climate 1.2. Settlements and Communications 1.3. People and Society 1.4. History and the Yemeni Nation 2. From Imamate to Republic: 1904-67 2.1. The Time of Imams Yahya and Ahmad 2.2. The 1962 Revolution, the YAR, and the al-Sallal Era 3. National Reconciliation and the al-Iryani Era: 1967-71 3.1. Conservative Republicanism and Its Constraints 3.2. Security Needs and Economic Constraints 3.3. Economic and Financial Institution Building 4. Contradictions in the al-Iryani Regime: 1971-74 4.1. Improved Prospects 4.2. Manifest Political Constraints 4.3. The Coalition Strained 5. Political Adjustment and Socioeconomic Development Under al-Hamdi: 1974-76 5.1. Political Adjustment Under al-Hamdi 5.2. State Building and Modernization Under al-Hamdi 5.3. The al-Hamdi Regime and Political Construction 6. Domestic Stalemate and Fast-evolving External Politics: 1975-77 6.1. The Domestic Stalemate 6.2. Foreign Policy and External Relations 7. The al-Ghashmi Interlude: 1977-78 7.1. The Death and Legacy of al-Hamdi 7.2. The Accession and Rule of al-Ghashmi 7.3. Al-Ghashmi’s Demise 8. The Salih Regime: Bleak Prospects and Faint Hopes: 1978-81 8.1. The Salih Regime Hits Bottom: Spring 1979 8.2. Attempts to Stem and Turn the Political Tide: 1979-81 9. Political Pieces Put into Place: 1982-84 9.1. The NDF and the PDRY 9.2. Completion and Promotion of the Second Five-Year Plan 9.3. The National Dialogue and the General People’s Congress 9.4. Economic Troubles and Political Order: 1983-84 10. Yemen and Petroleum: the Mid-1980s and Beyond 10.1. The Search for Oil in Yemen 10.2. Yemeni Oil: Current Effects and Implications for the Future