'A thrilling, haunting and deeply romantic story powerfully told by an engaging heroine...enchanting and beautifully evoked.' RACHEL HORE
'I've loved every one of her books! She has bedrock research and a butterfly's delicate touch with characters?sure recipe for historical fiction that sucks you in and won't let go!' DIANA GABALDON, bestselling author of Outlander
'A deeply-engaging romance and a compelling historical novel... a marvellous book.' BERNARD CORNWELL
'The Vanished Days exhibits Kearsley's ability to deftly balance dual time lines to great dramatic effect, right up to the twist of an ending... this book stands on its own and will find an eager audience among fans of romantic historical fiction' Booklist
New York Times, USA TODAY, and Globe and Mail bestselling author Susanna Kearsley is a former museum curator who loves restoring the lost voices of real people to the page, often in twin-stranded stories that interweave present and past. Her award-winning novels are published in translation in more than twenty-five countries. She lives near Toronto. Visit her at SusannaKearsley.com or follow her on Twitter @SusannaKearsley.