ISBN-13: 9783639199178 / Angielski / Miękka / 2009 / 268 str.
ISBN-13: 9783639199178 / Angielski / Miękka / 2009 / 268 str.
Twelve students lay dead throughout the school. Student found hanging in the school auditorium. Three teachers killed in their classrooms shielding their students. A fire was set to a classroom burning all bodies except one beyond recognition. A school principal barley misses being injured by a rock being hurled through a window by a disgruntled student. These are all real-life incidents occurring in schools. The callous taking of life, the finality of suicide, the choice to bully, the feeling of hopelessness and helplessness result in families, communities, countries and the world suffering from grief by the hands of students. This senseless killing by and of students is not limited to one country, culture, religion, ethnicity or economic status. This lack of regard for life has become the norm for schools the world over. Who knows the pain these young people are suffering and how many lives could be saved? This book reveals how the use of Thought Field Therapy in Educational Settings is used by students and adults to ease the pain of anger, grief, trauma, separation, sadness, fear and other upsetting and debilitating feelings that burden youth and those who work with them.