Chapter 1: Introduction - The Universal Periodic Review of Southeast Asia: A Regional Mapping
Part 1
Chapter 2: Addressing Human Rights Protection Gaps: Can the Universal Periodic Review Process Live up to its Promise?
Chapter 3: Universal Periodic Review on South East Asia Norm Building in Transition: A Hermeneutic Approach
Chapter 4: The Abolition of the Death Penalty in Southeast Asia: The Arduous March Forward
Chapter 5: LGBTIQ Rights in Southeast Asia: Implementing Recommendations from the Universal Periodic Review
Chapter 6: Singapore’s Universal Periodic Review: Civil Society Trends and Themes
Chapter 7: The Universal Periodic Review of Timor-Leste: Achieving Justice for Past Human Rights Abuses Under Indonesian Rule
Chapter 8: Freedom of Religion and Belief in Indonesia: Raising Awareness through Universal Periodic Review
Chapter 9: Non-Confrontational Human Rights Advocacy: Experiences from the UPR Process in Myanmar
Chapter 10: Can NHRIs Bridge the Implementation Gap? Assessing SUHAKAM’s Effectiveness in Malaysia’s Universal Periodic Review
Chapter 11: The UPR and Its Impact on the Protection Role of AICHR in Southeast Asia
Chapter 12: Conclusion: Southeast Asia’s Third UPR Cycle: Moving from Process to Implementation
James Gomez is a researcher and human rights advocate with over 25 years of international experience working for international NGOs, intergovernmental organizations, public and private universities, research institutes and think-tanks. He is presently Regional Director for Southeast Asia and the Pacific with Amnesty International. He co-founded Asia Centre and served as it's first Executive-Director.
Robin Ramcharan is a Professor of International Relations specializing in human rights and security issues in Southeast Asia. He lectures at Thammasat University and Webster University in Thailand. He has previously worked in international development cooperation at the World Intellectual Property Organization. He is a co-founder of the Asia Centre and presently serves as its Executive-Director.