Preface: Risk is Good and Uncertainty is the Reality! xiAcknowledgments xxvAbout the Authors xxixChapter 1 Strategy and Risk: Two Sides of the Same Coin 1Strategic Positioning and Risk 6Strategy and Risk in a Start-Up 7Chapter 2 Executing on the Plan and Discovering New Risks 17The Assumption of Goal Congruence and the Importance of Culture 21Conclusion 27Chapter 3 Which Risks to Keep 31Strategic Positioning and Risk Governance 38How Does Risk Management Help Close the Gap Between Strategy Formulation and Execution? 40Conclusion: Embracing and Managing Risk 42Chapter 4 How Do We Achieve Independent Risk Governance and Improve Performance? 47What Do We Mean by ERM? 51Chapter 5 Who Has the Specific Knowledge to Design the Risk Architecture? Why You Need an Independent Risk Function 61The Strategy-Risk-Governance Process 61Meeting the Objective and the Categorization of Risks 69The Risk Architecture 71Creation of a Risk Function 73Conclusion 76Chapter 6 Enterprise Risk Management and Competitive Advantage 79How Does Strategy Affect Randomness? 86Chapter 7 What Reputation Do We Want? With Whom? 91Managing Reputation Risk 99Chapter 8 Uncertainty, Scenario Planning, and Real Options 105Real Options 113Conclusion 116Chapter 9 Risk Culture and Ethics: Can You Have Excellence and Consistency at the Same Time? 121The Advisor-Customer Encounter 124Control Systems, Discretion, and Ethics 127Culture, Ethics, Performance, and Risk Management 135Chapter 10 The Top of the Pyramid: The CEO as Integrator of Strategy and Risk and the Board as the Fourth Line of Defense 141The CEO: The Operational Integration of Strategy and Risk 145The Board: The Governance Integration of Strategy and Risk 145The Board Provides More Than Oversight 146Epilogue: Decision-Making at the Restaurant: Creating and Executing a Risk-Aware Strategy 151Appendix I: Risk Transformation and the Need for an Integrated Risk Approach 157Appendix II: Resiliency 161Bibliography 167Index 183
DR. JAMES L. DARROCH is currently CIT Chair in Financial Services, Schulich School of Business, York University and Associate Professor, Policy, Schulich School of Business, York University. James is a sought-after expert in strategy and financial services education. In 2017, James and his co-author Patricia Meredith won the distinguished Donner Prize (award for the best public policy book by a Canadian) for Stumbling Giants: Transforming Canada's Banks for the Information Age.DAVID WM. FINNIE is a senior corporate executive with over 20 years' experience leading large and mid-sized multinationals and Fortune 100 companies in the building and optimization of their financial, capital, and risk management strategies and capabilities. In addition to risk management expertise, he also offers strengths as a strategic business leader helping to define and implement business growth strategies and drive new business development. David has published four short articles on risk management, governance, and strategy.