ISBN-13: 9781466458284 / Angielski / Miękka / 2011 / 52 str.
The Civil War, more than any other war in the 19th century, directly impacted modern warfare in the 20th century and beyond. Sometimes the impact was from technological innovations - submarines, repeating rifles, rifled artillery and armored ships were all used either for the first time in the Civil War, or used first on a wide-scale in the Civil War. Sometimes, the impacts were from strategic innovations - "total war," "mobile war," "trench warfare" and "irregular warfare" all either debuted in the Civil War, or were used on a wide-scale for the first time. This book will look at the top ten (11 actually - #10 is a tie) innovations of the Civil War, especially in regard to their impact on 20th and 21st century warfare. The book includes 23 black and white illustrations and 12 color illustrations.