"The Language Faculty Science framework is a radical departure from typical experimental psychology. It starts from the foundational generative syntax premise that theories of syntax should make testable predictions about individuals (rather than averages over groups of participants), and explores the consequences of taking this premise seriously both methodologically and logically. This newest volume provides an extended case study, involving work from multiple researchers across several experiments, that shows a high degree of internal replicability. I would recommend this volume both to those interested in LFS and also to those interested in comparing the LFS approach with other approaches to experimental psychology." Jon Sprouse, NYU Abu Dhabi
"Generative linguistics has indeed become a viable empirical science, rather than a philosophy of mind!" Naoki Fukui, Sophia University, Tokyo
"In this volume, Hoji and colleagues not only provide new insights into one of the most complex areas of grammar - binding - but also lay out a comprehensive and bold framework for linguistic analysis that guarantees meaningful and lasting results." Chris Kennedy, University of Chicago
Hoji Hajime, USC, Los Angeles, USA; Daniel Plesniak, USC, Los Angeles, USA; Yukinori Takubo, NINJAL, Tokyo, Japan.