ISBN-13: 9781544676340 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 282 str.
The Tattoo Artist's Bride A novel in the 7 Brides for 7 Brothers Series Ian Steward and Lorna Baird have seven children each. They both want them to find happiness, not necessarily together but that wouldn't hurt them if they did. Hugh Steward, the youngest of Ian's boys married Kyle Baird, the youngest of Lorna's girls. Then Finlay married Machara but she died after giving birth to their daughters. Now he is left to raise their baby daughters alone. Freya Baird is now with Coll Steward and they are expecting a baby too. Then Davy Steward broke up with Georgie. He couldn't deal with her amazing talents so she found Hunter Cole, the famous tattoo artist. Which brings us to Dallis Baird. She was twenty-three when her fiance, Derek was killed. She spent years shut off, in pain afraid of loving anyone again. Then Brodie Steward, the oldest of the Steward brothers showed her what it meant to love again. He awakened her desires but he was closed off and afraid of commitment himself. He was as broken as she was. He gave her just enough of himself to make her realize that she wanted more out of life. After Machara's death she started pushing him away. She deserved more than just a casual relationship. She wanted a husband and children of her own like what her sisters had. Georgie had warned Brodie in a reading she gave him. He only had so much time to reach out to Dallis and try to win her over. Hunter, Georgie's husband hired a new tattoo artist, Bodhi James. A tall, dark and quiet stranger. A beautiful man, her sister, Georgie called him. A dirty, dirty man that you want to lick all over, Kyle said. At the towns' Labor Day celebration, Georgie introduced Dallis to Bodhi. One hand shake later they were inseparable. Eleven days later, they were married. They both just knew it was the right thing for them. Now to convince everyone else in the family they haven't lost their minds.