1. A) Discoveries and Concepts: The Sun's Role in Astrophysics Jack B. Zirker and Oddbjørn Engvold 2. B) Stellar & Solar Chromospheres and Attendant Phenomena Thomas Ayres 3. C) The Sun's Atmosphere Alexander I. Shapiro, Hardi Peter, and Sami K. Solanki 4. D) Helioseismic Inferences on the Internal Structure and Dynamics of the Sun Sarbani Basu and William J. Chaplin 5. E) Atmospheric Structure, Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Magnetism 5.1 Spectroscopy and Atomic Physics Philip Judge 5.2 Models of Solar and Stellar Atmospheres Petr Heinzel 5.3 Spectropolarimetry, Magnetic Structures & Their Evolution Kiyoshi Ichimoto 6. F) Coronal Magnetism as a Universal Phenomenon BC Low 7. G) MHD and Solar Dynamo Action Eric Priest 8. H) Solar and Stellar Variability Marianne Faurobert 9. I) High-Energy Solar Physics Hugh Hudson and Alexander MacKinnon 10. J) Space Weather at Earth and in Our Solar System Noé Lugaz 11. K) Solar-Stellar Connection Gibor Basri 12. L) Instrumentation 12.1 Observations of the Sun from Space Alan Title 12.2 High-Resolution Ground-Based Observations of the Sun Oddbjørn Engvold and Jack Zirker 13. M) Solar Data and Simulations Neal Hurlburt 14. N) Challenges and Prospects for the Future Jean-Claude Vial and Andrew Skumanich