Preface Introduction 1. The Study of Economic History 2. The Position and Prospects of the Study of Economic History 3. The Aims of Economic History 4. The Study of Economic History 5. The Study of Economic History 6. The Study of Economic History 7. On Medieval History as a Social Study 8. The Historical Method in Social Science 9. Economic History at Oxford 10. The Relation of Economic History to Economic Theory 11. The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: The Dark Ages in English Economic History? 12. The Study of Modern Economic History 13. Progress and the Individual in Economic History 14. The Place of Economic History in Historical Studies 15. Time and Place 16. The Historian's Profession 17. Economic History - A Science of Society? 18. History and the Social Sciences 19. Economic Growth: The Economic and Social Historian's Dilemma 20. Economic History as a Social Science 21. Living with the Neighbours: The Role of Economic History Index
N.B Harte, Lecturer in Economic History, University College, London.