...makes a valuable contribution to the existing literature on the Soviet defense industry. Journal of Cold War Studies
List of Tables List of Figures Preface Acknowledgements Notes on the Contributors List of Abbreviations PART I: OVERVIEW The Structure and Development of the Defence-Industry Complex; J.Barber, M.Harrison, N.Simonov & B.Starkov PART II: THE FORMATIVE PHASE The 'War Scare' of 1927 and the Birth of the Soviet Defence-Industry Complex; N.Simonov The Red Army's Economic Objectives and Involvements in Economic Planning, 1925-40; L.Samuelson Defence Spending and Defence Industry in the 1930s; R.W.Davies & M.Harrison PART III: THE WAR AND THE POST-WAR PERIOD Wartime Mobilisation: A German Comparison; M.Harrison New Postwar Branches (1): Rocketry; M.Harrison New Postwar Branches (2): The Nuclear Industry; N.Simonov PART IV: THE DEFENCE-INDUSTRY COMPLEX AND SOCIETY The Defence-Industry Complex in Leningrad (1): The Interwar Period; A.Losik & A.Shcherba The Defence-industry Complex in Leningrad (2): The Postwar Uranium Industry; N.Lebina Krasnoiarsk-26: A Closed City of the Defence-Industry Complex; V.Glazyrina PART V: REGULATION AND CONTROL Mobpodgotovka: Mobilisation Planning in Industry; N.Simonov Voenpriemka: Prices, Costs, and Quality Assurance in Defence Industry; M.Harrison & N.Simonov The Security Organs and the Defence-Industry Complex; B.Starkov Index
R.W. DAVIES Emeritus Professor, Russian Economic Studies, University of Birmingham
VIKTORIIA GLAZYRINA Research Student, Department of History, State University of Economics and Finance, St Petersburg
NATALIA LEBINA Professor of Russian History, State University of Economics and Finance, St Petersburg
ALEKSANDR LOSIK Professor of Russian History, Aerospace Academy, St Petersburg
LENNART SAMUELSON Research Fellow, Department of Strategic Studies, National Defence College, Stockholm
ALEKSANDR SHCHERBA Reader in Russian History, Aerospace Academy, St Petersburg
NIKOLAI SIMONOV formerly Senior Researcher, Institute of Russian History, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
BORIS STARKOV Professor of Russian History, State University of Economics and Finance, St Petersburg