Foreword xiPreface xvPart I: Overview 1Chapter 1: Challenges Facing Marketers Today 3Chapter 2: What Is Agile Marketing? 12Part II: The Six Disciplines 23Chapter 3: Introduction to the Six Disciplines 25Chapter 4: Overview of an Agile Marketing Adoption 30Chapter 5: Alignment 34Chapter 6: Structure 49Chapter 7: Process Management 63Chapter 8: Scrum 72Chapter 9: Kanban 95Chapter 10: Scrumban 111Chapter 11: Validated Learning 119Chapter 12: Adapting to Change 132Chapter 13: Creating Remarkable Customer Experiences 141Part III: The Four Shifts 149Chapter 14: Introduction to the Four Shifts 151Chapter 15: From Outputs to Outcomes 154Chapter 16: From Campaigns to Continuous Improvement 161Chapter 17: From Internal Focus to Customer Focus 165Chapter 18: From Top-Down to Decentralized Decision-Making 180Part IV: Succeeding with Agile Marketing 189Chapter 19: Building Support for Agile Marketing 191Chapter 20: Agile Kickoff: The First Six Months 199Chapter 21: Sustaining Agile Marketing 206Chapter 22: The Role of the Agile Leader 211Chapter 23: Integrating Agile with Traditional Marketing Methods 222Chapter 24: Scaling Agile Marketing to Large Teams 226Chapter 25: The Future of Agile Marketing 243Endnotes 247Bibliography 255Acknowledgments 262About the Author 264Index 267
JIM EWEL is one of the leading voices on Agile marketing. He co-organized the first meeting of Agile Marketers and co- authored the Agile Marketing Manifesto. Today, his blog is one of the most trusted sources on Agile marketing. Jim runs an Agile marketing consultancy, where he has helped over 60 organizations adopt Agile Marketing.