0. Introduction PART I: The History of American Science 1. Science and the Atlantic World 2. Science in the American Revolution 3. Science in the Early Republic 4. Science in the Antebellum South 5. Science in the Civil War and Reconstruction 6. Science in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 7. Science From World War I to World War II 8. Science in the Cold War 9. Science in the Postmodern Era PART II: American Science in Practice 10. Social Studies of Science 11. Laboratories and Field Experiences 12. Science and Instrumentation 13. Science and History 14. Science and Religion 15. Science and the Social Sciences PART III: American Science and Power 16. Science and U.S. Imperialism 17. Science and the Military 18. Science, Technocracy, and Public Policy in the U.S 19. Environmental Science and Politics in the U.S. 20. Capitalism and Science PART IV: American Science and Society 21. Climate Science 22. Structural Racism in U.S. Science 23. Gender and Science 24. Science and Disability Studies 25. Genetics in American Science 26. Science and Speciesism 27. Science in American Life
Timothy W. Kneeland is Professor of history and politics at Nazareth College. He is the author of Declaring Disaster: Buffalo's Blizzard of ’77 and the Creation of FEMA (2021), Playing Politics with Natural Disaster: Hurricane Agnes, the 1972 Election, and the Origins of FEMA (2020), and Pushbutton Psychiatry: A Cultural History of Electroshock in America (2008).