Part 1: Foundations for Tourism Research 1. An Outline of the History of Tourism Theory: Source Material (for Future Research) 2. Modern Mass Tourism in China: Some Theoretical Issues 3. Remodelling the Language of Tourism: From Monologue to Dialogue and Trialogue 4. Researching Tourism Distribution 5. To International Tourism: An Exploration of Issues in Five APEC Economies Part 2: Implications for Destination Management 6. Assessing the Impact of Forecast Combination on Tourism Demand Forecasting Accuracy 7. Comparative Tourism Shocks 8. Why the Public should Pay for Tourism Marketing: A Public Economics Perspective 9. The Role of Individuals in the Development and Popularisation of Tourist Destinations 10. Home away from Home: A Research Agenda for Examining the Resort Community Second Home Industry in Colorado Part 3: Planning for Tourism Development 11. Planning Sponsored Tourism Research: An Investigation about its Structure and Trend 12. Perspectives on Tourism Planning in China 13. Nurturing ‘Social License to Operate’ through Corporate-Civil Society Relationships in Tourism Destinations 14. A Consensus Building Approach for Optimizing Tourism as a Sustainable Development Strategy: The Case of the Tourism Policy Forum 15. Exploring Social Representations of Tourism: Analysing Drawings of Tourism Part 4: Human Capital for Tourism Development 16. Tourism, Migration and Human Capital: Knowledge and Skills at the Intersection of Flows 17. Reflections on the Social Construction of Skills in Hospitality: Preliminary Findings from Comparative International Studies 18. Stewardship in Family Businesses: Implications for Sustainable Tourism Part 5: Emerging Forms of Tourism 19. Entertainment Science and New Directions for Tourism Research 20. Major Trends in Contemporary Tourism 21. Resort Management Analysis: Current and Future Directions 22. Developments in Space Tourism: Current and Future Research Part 6: Insights into Tourism Evolution 23. Global Touristscapes in a Rainforest: Ecotourism in Sabah, Malaysia 24. Tourism in Postsocialist Countries of Southeastern Europe: Trends and Challenges 25. Landscape as Theme Park: Tourist Consumption and Identity of Place in Contemporary Japan under Conditions of Rapid Demographic Change 26. Interviews with Mainland Chinese Seniors on their Motivations for Leisure Travel