"The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Food and Gastronomy is an extremely comprehensive and informative overview of a full range of food issues, beautifully updated with the last critical developments in the field. Anyone who wants to start food related projects or research effort could find inspiration here. Global food crisis, the importance of grassroot food movements, and the emerging insect gastronomy, just to give a taste."- Anne-Mette Hjalager, Professor, Head of Centre, Danish Centre for Rural Research, University of Southern Denmark
Philip Sloan is one of the founding members of the lecturing team that started the Department of Hospitality management at the IUBH in Bonn, Germany in September 2000. He holds a Masters degree in Environmental Management, an M.B.A. and has a long list of peer reviewed scientific journal articles to his credit.
Willy Legrand is a professor at the IUBH School of Business and Management located in Bad Honnef, Bonn, Germany. Willy holds a Master of Business Administration degree with a specialisation in Corporate Environmental Management and has completed his PhD in Hospitality Management and Marketing. With co-authors Philip Sloan and Joseph S. Chen, Willy published a leading university textbook on sustainable matters in hospitality (Sustainability in the Hospitality Industry: Principles of Sustainable Operations, Elsevier).
Clare Hindley is a professor in the Language and Communication department at IUBH School of Business and Management, Bad Honnef, Bonn. She gained her PhD in the field of Sociolinguistics, focusing on language and social networks. She also holds a B.A. in English and Classical Civilisation and an M.A. in Applied Linguistics. Her research interests include the world of Hospitality and Tourism with particular focus on education, culture and sociology.