José P. Aguiar-Moya, Ph.D. is Material and Pavements Research Coordinator at the Universidad de Costa Rica; Adriana Vargas-Nordcbeck, Ph.D. is a material and pavements researcher within the Universidad de Costa Rica; Fabricio Leiva-Villacorta, Ph.D. is a material and pavements researcher within the Universidad de Costa Rica; and Luis G Loría-Salazar, Ph.D. is Transportation Infrastructure Program Director within the Universidad de Costa Rica.
This compendium gathers the latest advances in the area of Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT), a means of testing full-scale pavement construction in an accelerated manner for structural deterioration in a very short term. Compiling novel research results presented at the 5th International Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing, San Jose, Costa Rica, the volume serves as a timely and highly relevant resource for materials scientists and engineers interested in determining the performance of a pavement structure during its service life (10+ years) in a few weeks or months.
Stands as the only collection focusing on the advancements of full scale testing in pavements, and the benefits associated with the technology;
Includes the perspective from research programs worldwide that are using the APT technology;
Illustrates efficient means of calibrating / developing pavement design methods;
Demonstrates the long term savings resulting from evaluating technologies prior to field construction.