Preface, Acknowledgments, Chapter 1: Toward a Gender-integrated Knowledge in Social Work, Chapter 2: Human Behavior in the Social Environment: The Role of Gender in the Expansion of Practice Knowledge, Chapter 3: Direct Practice: Addressing Gender in Practice from a Multicultural Feminist Perspective, Chapter 4: Psychopathology, Chapter 5: Teaching About Groups in a Gendered World: Toward Curricular Transformation in Group Work Education, Chapter 6: Gender and Families, Chapter 7: Women, Communities, and Development, Chapter 8: Integrating Gender into Human Service Organization, Administration, and Planning Curricula, Chapter 9: Gender and Social Welfare Policy, Chapter 10: The Role of Gender in Practice Knowledge: Research, Chapter 11: Designing and Implementing Curricular Change, Contributors, Index
Figueira McDonough, Josefina; Netting, F. Ellen; Nichols Casebolt, Ann