Foreword - Gita Steiner Khamsi
Introduction - Miri Yemini, Claire Maxwell, Christopher Lubienski
1. Collective parental involvement: an in-between actor - Audrey Addi-Raccah
2. When teachers become the external actor: private tutoring and endogenous privatisation in Cambodia - Hang M. Le and D. Brent Edwards, Jr.
3. Cross-sectoral alliances in charter schools: the role of boards of directors from for-profit and non-profit sectors - Charisse Gulosino and Elif Şişli Ciamarra
4. A communitarian framework for understanding the relations between schools and NGOs - Izhar Oplatka
5. PISA for sale? Creating profitable policy spaces through the OECD’s PISA for Schools - Steven Lewis and Bob Lingard
6. Historical reconfigurations of internal/external actors in Danish educational testing practices - Christian Ydesen
7. A short history of external agency involvement within education in contemporary Poland - Mikołaj Herbst
8. New philanthropy in the heterarchical governance of education in Brazil - Marina Avelar
9. Venture philanthropy and the rise of external actors in Australian education - Emma Rowe
10. Power struggle in education policy change: the role of knowledge actors in structural reforms in Chile - Dante Castillo-Canales and Javier González Díaz
Conclusion - Christopher Lubienski, Claire Maxwell, Miri Yemini