ISBN-13: 9789401054737 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 386 str.
ISBN-13: 9789401054737 / Angielski / Miękka / 2012 / 386 str.
Papers Presented at a Symposium held May 8--11, 1989, at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center (BARC), Beltsville, Maryland, U.S.A.
`....the book is highly recommended as an up to date summary of rhizosphere research for colleagues and students in the field of agronomy and horticulture, plant ecology and soil should be stimulating reading for plant breeders as well.'
Plant Breeding 107:3, 1992
`In conclusion, the book is essential for every ecologist in need of knowledge of the rhizosphere and plant functioning.'
Vegetatio 103:4, 1992
` ... of special interest to plant pathologists. It provides a wealth of critical information and numerous literature references. ... the message of this book is to encourage research in this future-oriented field which hopefully will bring badly needed breakthroughts to further practical applications. The volume can be highly recommended for every scientist working in this field.'
Journal of Phytopathology 142:2
1: Progress in Rhizosphere Research.- Rhizosphere Research - 85 Years of Progress and Frustration.- Substrate Flow in the Rhizosphere.- Microbial Dynamics in the Rhizosphere. Possible strategies in Managing Rhizosphere Populations.- Root Colonization by Indigenous and Introduced Microorgamisms.- Genetic Approaches for Studying Rhizosphere Colonization.- Living Plant Cells Released from the Root Cap: A Regulator of Microbial Populations in the Rhizosphere?.- Root Growth and Development.- The Development of a Conceptual Model of Root Growth.- Methods for Microbial Autecology in the Soil Rhizosphere.- Applications and Limitations of Rhizotrons and Minirhizotrons for Root Studies.- Conversion Factors Relating Thymidine Uptake to Growth Rate with Rhizosphere Bacteria.- Short Papers.- Growth Rate of Rhizosphere Bacteria as Measured by the Thymidine Method.- Chromosome and Symbiotic Plasmid Diversity within a Naturally-Occurring Population of Clover Rhizobia.- Stability of Antibiotic-Resistance Markers in Bacillus Cereus Uw85.- Bacterial Characteristics Important to Rhizosphere Competence.- Growth of Genetically Altered Pseudomonas Solanacearum in Soil and Rhizosphere.- Growth of Genetically-Engineered Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Pseudomonas Putida In Soil and Rhizosphere.- Soil Invertebrates are Concentrated on Roots.- Distribution of Assimilated Carbon within the Plant and Rhizosphere of Lolium Perenne: Comparison of Field and Laboratory Grown Plants.- Rhizosphere Effect on Soil Organic Matter Decomposition.- Influence of Nitrogen Fertilization on Photosynthate Distribution and Utilization by Rhizosphere Micro-Organisms in Wheat.- In Vitro Studies on the Interactions of Agrobacterium SPP. And Pseudomonas SPP. Isolated from Opine Environments.- Colonization of Wheat Roots by Pseudomonas Fluorescens: Scanning Electron Microscopy and Biochemical Analysis.- Pectic Enzymes of Azospirillum Brasilense.- Water Uptake Patterns in Loblolly Pines as Seen with Magnetic Resonance Microscopy.- The Occurrence of Cluster Roots in Actinorhizal Plants.- 2: The Rhizobium-Legume Symbiosis.- Legume Inoculation: Successes and Failures.- Importance of Saprophytic Competence for Introduced Rhizobia.- Genetic Stability in Rhizobia in the Field.- Rhizosphere Flavonoids Released by Alfalfa.- Chemotaxis, Induced Gene Expression and Competitiveness in the Rhizosphere.- Gene-For-Gene Interaction in the Legume-Rhizobium Symbiosis.- Microbial Influence on Gene-For-Gene Interactions in Legume-Rhizobium Symbioses.- Short Papers.- Extracellular Polysaccharide-Deficient Mutants of Rhizobium Strain Ciat899 Induce Chlorosis in Beans.- Rhizosphere Interactions Between Rhizobia and Nonlegumes.- Photosynthetic N2-Fixing Rhizobia.- Physiological Comparisons Between Root and Stem Nodules of Aeschynomene Scabra and Sesbania Rostrata.- Isolation and Characterization of Cowpea (Vigna Unguiculata) Lectin.- Rapid Plate Assay for Hydrolytic Enzymes of Rhizobium.- Evaluation of Rhizobium Meliloti Strains Indigenous to Sonoran Desert Soils by Plasmid Profile and Intrinsic Antibiotic Resistance.- Enhancing Rhizobial Colonization in the Rhizosphere of Legumes by a Systemic Fungicide.- Mapping and Subcloning of Genes Involved in Nodulation Competitiveness from Rhizobium Leguminosarumbv. TrifollT24.- Competition for Nodulation of Soybean by Bradyrhizobium Japonicum 123 and 138 In Missouri Soil.- Effect of Acidified Soil on Symbiosis in Soybeans.- Distribution of P Metabolites and Compartmentation in Soybean Nodules As Studied By Electron Microscopy and 31P NMR Spectroscopy.- 3: Rhizosphere Interactions and Plant Rest Control.- Exudate Molecules Initiating Fungal Responses to Seeds and Roots.- Beneficial and Deleterious Effects of HCN-Producing Pseudomonads on Rhizosphere Interactions.- Induction of Rhizosphere Competence in the Biocontrol Fungus Trichoderma.- Mechanisms of Biocontrol of Soil-Born Plant Pathogens by Rhizobacteria.- Biocontrol of Soilborne Plant Pathogens with Fungi.- Role of Antibiotics and Siderophores in Biocontrol of Take-All Disease of Wheat.- Factors Influencing Siderophore-Mediated Biocontrol Activity of Rhizosphere Pseudomonas SPP..- Rhizosphere Interactions and Siderophores.- Genetics of Iron Transport in Plant Growth-Promoting Pseudomonas Putida Wcs358.- Formulation and Delivery Systems of Biocontrol Agents with Emphasis on Fungi.- Formulation, Delivery Systems and Marketing of Biocontrol Agents and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR).- Short Papers.- Effect of a Fluorescent-Pigment Producing Rhizobium on the Severity of Rhizoctonia Solani Seed and Root Rot of Phaseolus Vulgaris.- Role of Ammonia and Calcium in Lysis of Zoospores of Phytophthora SPP. by bacillus cereus strain UW.- Deleterious Rhizobacteria for Biocontrol of Weed Seeds and Seedlings in Soil.- An Improved, in Vitro Technique for Rapidly Assaying Rhizosphere Bacteria for the Production of Compounds Inhibitory to Rhizoctonia Solani andGaeumannomyces Graminisvar. Tritici.- Improved Rhizosphere Competence of Trichoderma Harzianumby Protoplast Fusion.- Sick Pathogens Make Poor Pests in Biological Control of Corn Diseases.- Mutational Changes in the O-Antigenic Side Chains of the Lipopolysaccharides of Pseudomonas SPP. Affect Colonization of but not Adhesion to Potato Roots.- Fungal Antagonists of Pythium Ultimum from a Suppressive Sphagnum Peat.- Siderophore-Producing Bacteria Isolated From Roots of Iron-Efficient and Inefficient Grasses.- Production of Siderophore-Like Iron Chelators by Ericoid and Ectomycorrhizal Fungi.- Genetic Improvement of Siderophore Production Aimed At Enhancing Biocontrol in Pseudomonas Strains.- Bioinorganic and Bio-Organic Studies of Rhizobactin, A Structurally Novel Siderophore Related to the Opines.- Uptake of Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum Siderophores By Soybean Cells in Culture.- 4: Rhizosphere Interactions and Plant Growth Promotion.- Plant Growth Promotion Mediated by Bacterial Rhizosphere Colonizers.- Microbial Production of Plant Hormones.- Characterization and Use of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Agricultural Production Systems.- Mycorrhizal Interactions in the Rhizosphere.- Agro-Ecological Aspects of the Mycorrhizal, Nitrogen-Fixing Legume Symbiosis.- Field Management of VA Mycorrhizal Fungi.- Short Papers.- Characterization of Cultivar Specific Growth Promotion of Spring Wheat by Bacillus SP..- Effect of Bacillus Strains on Growth of Pine (Pinus Contorta Dougl), Spruce (Picea Glauca Voss.), And Douglas-Fir (Pseudotsuga Menziesll (Mirb. Franco)).- Sulfur Oxidizing Microorganisms for Growth Promotion of Canola.- Microbe Enhanced P Uptake by Corn under no Till and Conventional Till.- Exposure of Phleum Pratenseto SO2 and Its Subsequent Effect on Vam Root Infectivity.- Promotion of Maize Growth by Legume Soil Factors.- Variation in VA Mycorrhizal Strain Interactions with Rhizobium on Pigeon Pea.- Use of Histochemical Techniques to Quantify Mass/Activity Relations of Mycorrhizal Roots and Soil.- Genetic Transformation of Protoplasts From an Ectomycorrhizal Fungus.- Response of Two Acacia Species to Drought and Inoculation with an Ectomycorrhizal Fungus.- Specific Interactions of Bradyrhizobium and Four VA-Mycorrhizal Isolates in Soybean.- Ozone-Induced Alteration of Biomass Allocation and Nitrogen Derived From Air in the Leguminous Plant-Rhizobium-Vam System.- Strategy for Inoculating Nursery-Grown Sea Oats with Vesicular- Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi.- Evaluation of the Effects of Biocontrol Agents on Mycorrhizal Fungi.- A Misting Apparatus for Studying Plant-Microbe Interactions and Nutrient Utilization.- Increasing VA-Mycorrhization with Applications of Rhizosphere Bacteria.- Mycorrhizal Fungi Increase Yields of Winter Wheat.
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