Chapter 1. Responsible universities in context: An introduction to the book; Lars Geschwind, Jouni Kekäle, Romulo Pinheiro and Mads P. Sørensen.- PART I. History and current transformations.- Chapter 2. The changing meanings of 'responsible university': From a Nordic-Keynesian welfare state to a Schumpeterian competition state; Mikko Kohvakka, Arto Nevala and Hanna Nori.- Chapter 3. The modernisation agenda and university irresponsibility repertoires; Paul Benneworth.- Chapter 4. Lost in transition? On the migration to English language research publication; Mads P. Sørensen, Mitchell Young and Pernille Bak Pedersen.- PART II. New innovations.- Chapter 5. Higher education: For free, for everyone, for real? Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and the responsible university: History and enacting rationalities for MOOC-initiatives at three Swedish universities; Linda Barman, Cormac McGrath and Christian Stöhr.- Chapter 6. Co-creation with companies: A means to enhance the societal impact of university researchers?; Kirsi Pulkkinen and A. Hautamäki.- Chapter 7. Does a responsible university need a third mission?; James Karlsen and Miren Larrea.- PART III. Organising for responsibility.- Chapter 8. Technical education in jeapordy?: Assessing the interdisciplinary faculty structure in a university merger; Tea Vellamo, Elias Pekkola and Taru Siekkinen.- Chapter 9. Responsible university: In search of HR and leadership solutions; Jouni Kekäle and Jenni Varis.- Chapter 10. The responsible university in southeast Asia: A tale of the transition from an elite to a mass higher education system; Laila Nordstrand Berg, Rómulo Pinheiro, Puguh Prasetya Utomo and PradnikaYunic Nurhayati.- Chapter 11. Over the cuckoo's nest: Towards a Nordic model of the responsible university?;
Mads P. Sørensen is Senior Researcher at Aarhus University, Denmark. His research interests include current transformations of the University, new challenges to knowledge production and changing conditions for academics.
Lars Geschwind is Professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. His research interests centre around higher education policy, universities’ organizational identity and change, academic leadership, and academic work.
Jouni Kekäle is Professor at the University of Eastern Finland. His main research interests focus on academic leadership, quality, disciplinary, and organizational cultures, and changing operational environment in higher education.
Rómulo Pinheiro is Professor of Public Policy and Administration at the University of Agder, Norway. Rómulo’s research interests are located at the intersection of public policy and administration, organisational theory, economic geography, innovation and higher education studies.