Chapter 1:
Oliver O’Donovan’s English-language Reception and Theopolitical Influences
Chapter 2:
Government-as-Judgment: An Exposition of O’Donovan’s Theology of Political Authority
Chapter 3:
Does Israel Reveal the Essence of Political Authority?
Chapter 4:
Romans 13: 1–7 and the Christological “Re-authorisation” of Political Authority
Chapter 5:
Salvation-History, Biblical Theology and Political Authority
Chapter 6:
The “Providence Thesis” and Its Theodicy Implications
Chapter 7:
O’Donovan’s (Conservative) Christian Liberalism
Chapter 8:
Providence and the Created Order: The Ontological Tension in the Accounts of Political Authority in Resurrection and DesireChapter 9:
The Redemption of Political Authority and Its New Historical Bene Esse as the Work of Divine Providence