ISBN-13: 9781497516533 / Angielski / Miękka / 2014 / 290 str.
A great story of romance, adventure, love, endurance, danger and greed Starting in 1917, the world changed. The 'good-ol-days', the Golden era disappeared forever. Practically no one could fathom what kind of changes, struggle, desperation, mass-starvation, horror, terror, wars and death the Russian revolution will bring with it, within and outside of the largest country of the world. This is the time when Colonel Simonov, an officer of the communist Red Army got the order: practicing the utmost secrecy, hide the confiscated riches of the entire murdered Romanovs, the family of the tsar, Nicholas II., together with all the stolen, commandeered gold, silver, precious stones collected from the rich Russian aristocracy and noble families as well as from the churches all over the giant country. He obeys the order, the treasure is hidden. He only tells about his mission to his wife, who can't be found by the authorities. The estimated twenty truckload of treasure disappears somewhere in Siberia. No one comes back from the expedition, colonel Simonov himself dies in an accident. It takes the next nearly hundred years, to put clues together, and risk lives again, to find the treasure. A real old school adventure story seasoned with romance, love.