»Barber tells the largely unknown story of Muybridge as the first ever moving-image projectionist ... the book is also an interrogation of the solitary and gradually vanishing occupation of the cinema projectionist as embodied by the enigmatic figure of Muybridge himself.« David Peace, Times Literary Supplement
7 - 26 The Projectionists (Stephen Barber)27 - 73 Muybridge's Central European Projections, 1891 (Stephen Barber)74 - 128 Muybridge's Chicago Exposition Projections, 1893 (Stephen Barber)129 - 147 Projection's Devils: Max and Emil Skladanowsky, 1895-97 (Stephen Barber)148 - 169 Projections of the Osaka World Exposition, 1970 (Stephen Barber)171 - 185 Lovers: Teiji Furuhashi's Projections, 1994/2016/2020 (Stephen Barber)186 - 203 Projections of Future Cities, Projections of Future Bodies (Stephen Barber)205 - 206 Bibliography (Stephen Barber)207 - 208 Illustrations List (Stephen Barber)
Barber, StephenStephen Barber ist Autor von 25 Büchern, darunter sieben Romane. Kürzlich erschienen: White Noise Ballrooms und Film's Ghosts. Tatsumi Hijikata's Butoh and the Transmutation of 1960s Japan. Seine Bücher wurden vielfach ausgezeichnet und in diverse Sprachen übersetzt. The Independent newspaper (London) nannte ihn »den gefährlichsten Mann Europas«.