ISBN-13: 9781544020266 / Angielski / Miękka / 2017 / 220 str.
The Power of Sex and How to Wield is a book about how to find, attract and maintain the person best suited for you. How to build and support a healthy relationship in an age of toxic and abusive relationships. The writing of this book have been on the author's mind for a few years. The reason being is I see so many so-called advice books out there about how to get a man (or) woman, and how to keep him or her. If you wish. Too many skips the essential elements in building a lasting relationship and go straight to the gusto. Sex. If sex alone could keep a couple together then there wouldn't be so many break ups and divorces. It's going to take more than sex to make any relationship work. It also teaches women how to get what they want out of a relationship or marriage. Too often women suffer through unhappy relationships and marriages because they have been taught not to ask for what they want. Not to demand respect, support, love and appreciation in a relationship. Women have been taught to demand for herself what she know is best for her is being pushy and even some would say bitchy. This book is a vivacious tool in the age of toxic relationships. And if people knew the true power of sex they wouldn't have it with just anyone and treat it as a recreational sport. Sex involve much more than just a physical activity which feel good. It's an emotional expression of who we are that could not be taken lightly. Just as sleep, food and water is important. So is sex. It is a vital part to human's health and general well-being. All significant elements in our well-being should be treated as though they are important because they are. Unhealthy sexual relationships or in relationships in general can lead to many disruptive conditions in life such as depression, low self-esteem, and negative self-image so it is impossible we take a step back and look at how important sex in our live and what we can do to achieve the results we want.