Structural Vs. Contingent Violence in Latin America
Pablo Policzer
Part I
Making Sense of Haiti's State Fragility and Violence: Combining Structure and Contingency?
Andreas E. Feldmann
Operation Condor as International System of State Violence and Terror: A Historical Structural Analysis
J. Patrice McSherry
Part II
Written on Black and Red: Murder as a Communicative Act in Mexico
Pablo Piccato
Protest and Police 'Excess' in Chile: The Limits of Social Accountability
Michelle Bonner
The Police Ombudsman in Brazil as a Potential Mechanism to Reduce Violence
Anthony W. Pereira
Democracy, Threat, and Repression: Kidnapping and Repressive Dynamics during the Colombian Conflict
Francisco GutiÉrrez SanÍn
To End the War in Colombia: Conversatorios Among Security Forces, Ex-Guerrillas, and Political Elites, and Ceasefire Seminars for the Technical Sub-Commission