Introduction, MarkGersovitz, JohnWaterbury; Chapter 1 CHAPTER ONE Some Sources and Implications of Uncertainty in the Senegalese Economy, MarkGersovitz; Chapter 2 CHAPTER TWO The Senegalese Peasant: How Good is our Conventional Wisdom?, JohnWaterbury; Chapter 3 CHAPTER THREE Senegal's Cooperative Experience, 1907–1960, Robert L.Tignor; Chapter 4 CHAPTER FOUR Circulaire 32 Revisited: Prospects for Revitalizing the Sénégalese Cooperative Movement in the 1980s, SheldonGellar; Chapter 5 CHAPTER FIVE Financial Markets in Rural Senegal, LauraTuck; Chapter 6 CHAPTER SIX Dimensions of State Intervention in the Groundnut Basin; Chapter 7 CHAPTER SEVEN Politics of Agricultural Price Decision-Making in Senegal, Sidi C. Jammeh; Chapter 8 CHAPTER EIGHT Small Countries in Monetary Unions: The Choice of Senegal, Jorge Bragade Macedo; Chapter 9 CHAPTER NINE Aid, Structural Adjustment, and Senegalese Agriculture, John P.Lewis; Chapter 10 The Authors;