John Bunyan (28 novembre 1628 - 31 août 1688), prédicateur baptiste réformé et écrivain allégoriste anglais, connu pour son conte religieux Le Voyage du pèlerin (1678). The Pilgrim's Progress a été traduit en plus de 200 langues différentes. Il est resté pendant plus de 200 ans le livre le plus traduit et le plus lu dans le monde anglophone après la Bible.
Jesse Lyman Hurlbut (1843-1930) was an American clergyman of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was born in New York City, graduated at Wesleyan University in 1864, and held pastorates at Newark, Montclair, Paterson, Plainfield, Hoboken, Morristown, Orange, and Bloomfield, all in New Jersey. After 1879 he was connected with the Sunday-school and tract work of his denomination. He was secretary of the Epworth League in 1889-1892 and for some time was associated with J. H. Vincent in the direction of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. From 1909 until his retirement in 1914 he was District Superintendent of the Newark District.