1. Introduction (Tom Rockmore and Joseph Margolis).
2. Iraq, American Empire, and the War on Terrorism (George Leaman).
3. Us and Them : The Politics of American Self–Assertion After 9/11 (Andrew Norris).
4. Misreading Islamist Terrorism: The War Against Terrorism and Just–War Theory (Joseph M. Schwartz).
5. Of Power and Compassion (Shibley Telhami).
6. Terror and the Attack on Civil Liberties (Ronald Dworkin).
7. Civilizational Inprisonments (Amartya Sen).
8. The New Political Infamy and the Sacrilege of Feminisim (Drucilla Cornell).
9. Reasons for Conflict: Political Implications of a Definition of Terrorism (Angelica Nuzzo).
10. Losing to Tomorrow: An American Work in Progress (Davis B. Borrow).
11. Preemptive War, Americanism and Anti–Americanism (Domenico Losurdo).
12. On the So–Called War on Terrorism (Tom Rockmore).
13. Terrorism and the New Forms of War (Joseph Margolis).
14. Afterword: The Road from September 11 to Abu Ghraib (Armen T. Marsoobian).
Tom Rockmore is Professor of Philosophy at Duquesne University. His previous publications include
Cognition: An Introduction to Hegel s Phenomenology of Spirit (1997),
Marx after Marxism (Blackwell Publishing, 2002) and
Before and After Hegel: A Historical Introduction to Hegel s Thought (2003).
Joseph Margolis is Laura H. Carnell Professor of Philosophy at Temple University. His recent publications include Life without Principles (Blackwell Publishing, 1996), The Unraveling of Scientism: American Philosophy at the End of the Twentieth Century (2003) and Moral Philosophy after 9/11 (2004).
Armen T. Marsoobian is Professor of Philosophy at Southern Connecticut State University. He is Editor–in–chief of the Blackwell journal Metaphilosophy. He has co–edited three books, Justus Buchler s Metaphysics of Natural Complexes (1990), Nature s Perspectives: Prospects for Ordinal Metaphysics (1991) and The Blackwell Guide to American Philosophy (Blackwell Publishing, 2004).
While most people agree that September 11, 2001, witnessed a terribly important series of events, opinions about the meaning of these events diverge sharply. This book searches for sense in the wake of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Consisting of fourteen essays written by leading philosophers, most of which have been specially commissioned for this volume, it offers a philosophical reflection on the implications of 9/11.
The contributors engage with a broad range of issues associated with the causes and consequences of 9/11, including American imperialism, anti–Americanism, Bush s War on Terror , the idea of pre–emptive war, and the role of the media. They consider how 9/11 has altered the terms and categories of philosophical debate, looking at changes in the conception of moral and political reasoning, rationality and responsibility, and the repercussions for justice, human rights and international law.