PERSON AND HIS MORAL STRUCTURE II. A Temporalistic View of Personal Mind III. Foundations of Personalistic Psychology IV. The Moral Structure of the Person v. The Person, Obligation, and Value VI. Is There an Ideal of Personality? PART 3: GOD, THE COSMIC PERSON AND HIS GOODNESS VII. The Logic of Naturalistic Arguments Against Theistic Hypotheses VIII. Tennant's Critique of Religious Experience IX. The Cosmological Argument - Revisited and Revised X. Can the Goodness of God be Empirically Grounded? Appendix: The Goodness of God and Two Conceptions of Value-Objectivity XI. Toward a Metaphysics of Creation XII. The Logic of Creationism, Advaita, and Visishtadvaita: A Critique XIII. An Impasse in Philosophical Theology XIV. Free Will, The Creativity of God, and Order PART 4: RELIGION AS CO-CREATION WITH GOD xv. Three Visions of Perfection and Human Freedom XVI. Religion as the Pursuit of Creativity by God and Man XVII. The Grace of God as Discovered Through Freedom XVIII. What Makes a Philosophy Christian: A Liberal Speaks
Peter A. Bertocci Borden Parker Bowne Professor of Philosophy at Boston University