1. Introduction1.1 History of the Periodic Table1.2 Short Introduction to Mineralogy1.3 Elements not included (not occurring as minerals or only existing as synthetic elements)2. The Elements
Kloprogge, J. Theo
J. Theo Kloprogge MSc Geology, PhD Geology/Chemistry, is currently an Honorary Senior Fellow at the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia, and Adjunct Professor at the Department of Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Visayas, Philippines. He has been teaching analytical chemistry, inorganic chemistry and mineralogy/crystallography for many years. During the past 30+ years Dr. Kloprogge has been working as a mineralogist and spectroscopist. The results of his research have been published in nearly 300 papers, numerous book chapters, 5 books and 1 patent. He has been collecting minerals for more than 40 years and has built an extensive collection both for research and private use.
Ponce, Concepcion P.
Concepcion P. Ponce is an assistant professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of the Philippines Visayas, whose primary research project is aimed at understanding and controlling non-coherent photon up conversion in solids and in thin films. She has also worked on several side-projects, including the synthesis of gemini surfactants and photocatalytic properties of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. In 2017 she was awarded the Taube Medal by the University of Saskatchewan Department of Chemistry-an annual award given to the graduate student in the Department of Chemistry who has made the most significant overall contribution to research and scholarly activity.
Loomis, Tom
Tom Loomis holds a degree in Geological Engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines, where he had the pleasure of study under Bill Roberts, and has worked as a geologist and mining engineer in South Dakota, Wyoming, Nevada, and Mexico for over eighteen years. His private systematic collection is extensive as is his Black Hills collection, which rivals most others. Dakota Matrix was founded in 1996 and has offered systematic and rare mineral specimens for sale online since 1998. Tom owns and operates Dakota Matrix from Rapid City, South Dakota, where he also volunteers his time, expertise, and resources at the local science museums including the Museum of Geology and The Journey Museum.