Volume 3, equally rich and well curated, maintains the same focus on variety. As we enter the world of the fifteenth century, however, contextual and generic changes mark a transformed literary landscape...There were significant new trends and genres. Attention is given throughout this volume to the flourishing production and circulation of Scottish literature.
Julia Boffey is Professor Emerita in the English Department at Queen Mary, University of London. She has written on various aspects of the production, transmission, and reception of late medieval literature in Britain. Publications include an edition of Middle English dream visions, a book on Manuscript and Print in London c. 1475-1530, and edited essay collections on Middle English lyrics and Performance, Ceremony and Display in Late Medieval England. She is a member of the council of the Early English Text Society and of the Harlaxton Symposium Steering Committee.
A. S. G. Edwards is Honorary Professor of Medieval Manuscripts in the School of English, University of Kent at Canterbury and Honorary Professor in the English Department at University College London. He has previously taught at various universities in North America and England and at the Folger and Beinecke libraries. He has written about Middle English manuscripts and texts of the later middle ages and early modern periods. He has held fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the Leverhulme Trust, Girton College, Cambridge, and the Huntington and Houghton libraries.