ISBN-13: 9781541220270 / Angielski / Miękka / 2016 / 320 str.
The author's aim is to set forth Jesus in His perpetual presence here on earth, and in His present personal influence on individual souls of men. The first chapter exhibits Him as morally present in His priests who personate Him, and as physically present in that which they offer. He, by means of them, as by His intelligent instruments, offers sacrifice, and in that sacrifice He is Himself the Victim. The second chapter concerns His mediatorial ministry of grace by means of sacraments. These are channels through which sanctifying grace is conveyed to the souls of men. The seven succeeding chapters deal with those sacraments separately. Using them as His instruments, Jesus begets sons and daughters unto God, strengthens them with His Holy Spirit, feeds them with the Living Bread of Life, heals them in their sickness, and prepares them for death and judgment. He provides also for the permanence of His priesthood, and He sanctifies society in its foundations. Two chapters treat of the "grace and truth" that were in, and that came by, Jesus Christ. Another considers the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in the mystical Body of Christ, and in its individual members. The series ends with the ultimate destiny of the sanctified intelligent creature in the Beatific Vision of his Creator. In other works, such as The Divine Teacher, The Written Word, Other Gospels, and The Bible and Belief, the author has had mainly in view the Prophetical office of Jesus. In this volume he is occupied principally with His Priestly office. His Kingly office is bound up with both. These offices in combination constitute and complete His Mediatorial office. As Mediator by nature and by office between God and men, Jesus is Prophet, Priest and King of men.