I COSSERAT CONTINUUM THEORY OF FAULTING2. Cosserat Continuum3. The Multiple-Slip Mechanism of Plastic Cosserat Deformation4. Stress Along the Faults5. Wedge Faulting: The L2 Kinematics6. Parallel Fault and Parallel Wedge Interactions: The Gamma-Scheme7. Båth's Law and the Cosserat Extension of the Reid Rebound Model
II INTRODUCTION TO THE OMEGA-THEORY8. Omega-Sequences9. Omega-Cells: "Seismic Oscillators10. Omori's Law11. Felzer-Brodsky's Law12. Strain Waves and Conservation Laws13. Phase Transitions14. Gutenberg-Richter's Law15. What Causes Earthquakes?
III SYSTEMS, PLATE TECTONICS, AND ORDER16. Omega-Interactions17. Critical Behavior: Large Earthquakes Can Be Predicted18. Supercritical Behavior: Aftershock Sequences 19. The B-Spectral Theorem and the Synchronized Earth20. Quantum Numbers of Earthquakes: Seismic Back Action and Reverse Causality21. Seismic Induction and the Theory of Plate Tectonics 22. Earthquakes as Computation: Origin of Order
IV SEISMIC CHAOS SYNCHRONIZATIONS23. T-Synchronizations: Predicting Future Seismic States of the Earth 24. M-Synchronizations: The B-Megasignal and Large Earthquakes 25. S-Synchronizations: The Reciprocity Theorem and the Failure Localization Law 26. Maximum Effectiveness of Predictions: - 1 Rule27. Open Systems28. Further Observations on S-Synchronizations
V STRAIN WAVES, PLATE TECTONICS, AND THE LOOP THEOREM29. Description of Seismic States30. Epicenter Prediction: Turbal's Principle31. Structure of the Aftershock Sequences32. Synchronizations and Fault Reactivations33. Predictability of Volcanic Eruptions34. Strain Waves at the Tectonic Plates Boundaries35. Origin of Plate Tectonics: The Loop Theorem