1. A Model for the North Atlantic.- 2. The Geology of the Bahama-Blake Plateau Region.- 3. The Continental Margin of Eastern North America, Florida to Newfoundland.- 4. The Northeastward Termination of the Appalachian Orogen.- 5. An Outline of the Geology of the Atlantic Coast of Greenland.- 6. The Scandinavian Caledonides.- 7. The Geology of the Southern Termination of the Caledonides.- 8. The Geology of the Western Approaches.- 9. The Geology and Sedimentation History of the Bay of Biscay.- 10. Geology of West Africa and Canary and Cape Verde Islands.- 11. Cenozoic to Recent Volcanism in and around the North Atlantic Basin.- 12. The Oceanic Islands: Azores.- 13. Tectonic and Radiometric Age Comparisons.- 14. The Geophysics of the North Atlantic Basin.