1. Introduction.- 2. The Evolution of the New Social and Impact Economy in Argentina.-3. The Restructuring of the Social Economy in Canada.- 4. The New Social Economy in Indonesia: Features, Recent Development and Challenges.-5. The New Social Economy in Israel: From the Kibbutz ideal to social-tech entrepreneurship.-6. The New Social Economy in Poland: The Crisis-Led Innovation.-7. The Social and Solidarity Economy in France Faced with the Challenges of Social Entrepreneurship.-8. Social Economy in Spain: Economic Crisis and Society.-9. The Evolving Field of Social Economy in Italy: Continuity and Change.-10. The (new) Social Economy in Austria.-11. The Evolution of the New Social Economy in Sweden.-12. International Social Economy Organizations.-13. Towards a ‘Wellbeing Economy’: What Can We Learn from Social Enterprise?.-14. Conclusions: From Crises to a Social and Impact Economy
Benjamin Gidron is a Professor of Social Enterprises and the Head of the Research Authority, The College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS) and Professor Emeritus at the Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management in Ben Gurion University of the Negev. He pioneered the study of the Third (Nonprofit) Sector in Israel and was the Founder-President of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) 1992-96.
Anna Domaradzka is a sociologist, Assistant Professor and Associate Director for Research at Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw. Her main research interests concern the issues of civil society organizations, social movements and local activism in urban context. She specializes in intersectional and international comparative research in the areas of urban studies and gender sociology, works in several international projects concerning urban development, civil society and welfare state issues. At the moment her main research focus is on neighborhood associations, “right to the city” movement and social entrepreneurship in comparative perspective. Since 2015 she’s involved in the creation of the Warsaw Development Strategy 2030 as an expert on social issues.
This edited volume discusses the development of the new social and impact economy in ten countries around the globe. The new social and impact economy is an attempt to conceptualize developments after the 2008 economic crisis, which emphasized the pifalls of the Neo-Liberal economic system. In the aftermath of the crisis, new organizational entities evolved, which combined social and business objectives as part of their mission. Using data gathered by two recent international research projects—the ICSEM project and the FAB-MOVE project—the book provides an initial portrait of the forces at play in the evolution of the new social and impact economy, linking those to the past crisis as well as to Covid19 and comparing the emergence of the phenomenon in a varied group of countries.
The book begins with an overview of the classical definitions of social economy and proposes a comprehensive concept of new social and impact economy, its characteristics, and sources. Ten country chapters as well as a comparative chapter on international social economy organizations follow. The volume concludes with an overall analysis of the data from the country chapters, forming a typology of social economy traditions and linking it to recent Post Capitalism trends.
Creating a conceptual framework to analyze the new phenomena in social economy, this volume is ideal for academics and practitioners in the fields of social economy; social, economic and welfare policies; social and business entrepreneurship in a comparative fashion; social and technological innovation as well as CSR specialists and practitioners.