Preface xiAcknowledgments xiiiChapter 1 A Short History of Retirement 1Crossing the Bridge 8Chapter 2 Removing Artificial Finish Lines 9Dates of Extraction 11What Made Jack Dull? 13Motivated by Autonomy 14Illusions, Delusions, and Hype 16Chapter 3 No Longer One and Done 19Stages of Grief? 20The Four Stages of LEAN 21The Balance Sheet 28Forced or Phased? 28Advocates Needed 30Chapter 4 The New IRA: Individual Retirement Attitude 33Assume You Will Work Longer 36Assume You Will Live Longer 37Assume That There Will Be Improvisational Challenges 39Chapter 5 Boredom Isn't on Anyone's Bucket List 43Monotone Living 44How You're Wired 45When Frustration Replaces Fascination 45Realistic Expectations 46For Better or Worse but Not for Lunch 49Losing Your Identity 49The Rearview Mirror 50Chapter 6 A New Mind-Set: Retire on Purpose 53"I'm Done" 55"I Have To" 55"I'm Inspired" 56Meaningful Pursuits: A Midlife Crisis Gone Horribly Right 58Enduring Attitudes 63Chapter 7 Money is Only Part of the Equation: Investing Yourself, Then Your Money 67A Very Long Trip 69Where from Here? 71Chapter 8 The Retirement That Works 79Redefining Work 80Longevity Works 83Ready, Set, Engage 84Retirement Planning That Works 86Chapter 9 Extending Your Stay by Staying on the Edge 89Staying in Your Zone 90Yes Sir, Kiddo 91Ageism on the Radar 93The Teaching Bridge 94Advantages of Underemployment 95EntreMature 96Chapter 10 Super-Septs: How 70 Became the New 50 101Feeling as Fact 102Your View of You 103Turning the Corner 107A New Season 108Chapter 11 Redefining You: What's Your Retirementality? 109New Spin on Re-tiring 110Chapter 12 Redefining Rich: Bridging the Gap between Means and Meaning 121The Seven Meaningful Intangibles 124The Stewardship of Money 130Chapter 13 Maslow Meets Retirement 133More Than Just Money 134Our Hierarchy of Financial Needs 136Paying the Bills 140Chapter 14 Advice from Retirementors 143The Realities of Retirement 143Retiremyths 146Vacation: Balancing Work and Play 151The Best (and Worst) Experiences 153Allocation 154Chapter 15 From Aging to S-Aging 157A Sense of Mastery 158The Vitamin Cs of Successful Aging 160Challenge Your Body, Mind, and Spirit 166Chapter 16 Don't Go It Alone 169We Don't Always Know What We Don't Know 170We are Tempted to Follow the Crowd 171Individual Investors Historically Underperform the Indexes because They React Emotionally to Market Events 172It is Time-Consuming and Stressful to Manage Money on a Day-to-Day or Week-to-Week Basis 172Holding Your Ground 174Finding a Wealth-Building Partner 175A Personal Safety Net 177Notes 179About the Author 187Index 189
MITCH ANTHONY is a bestselling author, financial philosopher, co-founder of ROL Advisor, and president of, a training and communications firm that advises financial services professionals and their clients. Mitch also writes and hosts the syndicated radio feature, The Daily Dose, heard on more than 160 stations nationwide. Mitch is a popular keynote speaker who has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, and other leading publications.