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Dr. Patterson Silver Wolf has produced a provocative, well-written and highly accessible book that both calls into question the way we currently treat addiction in this country, and through colorful and compelling storytelling, provides us a better way forward.
David A. Patterson Silver Wolf, PhD, is Associate Professor at Washington University in St. Louis' Brown School of Social Work. Dr. Patterson Silver Wolf is a faculty scholar in the Washington University Institute for Public Health, Co-Director of the Collaboration on Race, Inequality, and Social Mobility in America (CRISMA), Research Director in the Buder Center and serves as training faculty for two NIH-funded (T32) training programs at the Brown
School, including the Transdisciplinary Training in Addictions Research program of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Patterson Silver Wolf investigates how to best implement evidence-based interventions and technology tools into community-based services. He is the director of the Community Academic Partnership on
Addiction (CAPA) and is the Chief Research Officer at CAPA Clinics in St. Louis, Missouri area. Before entering academics, he spent over fifteen years providing clinical services in the substance use disorder treatment field and has
been in recovery since 1989.