Acknowledgements ixAbout the author xiPreface xiiiIntroduction xvPart 1: Back to basics 11 Taking control of your money 32 Getting to grips with debt 25Josh and Liz's story -- the best house in the street 48Part 2: Planning for financial freedom 513 Laying the groundwork 55Jamila's story -- we all need a plan 754 Building an investment portfolio 795 Optimising your superannuation 119Patrick and Amanda's story -- the sea change 152Part 3: Planning for life 1576 In case the unexpected happens 1597 The sandwich generation and the older generation 197Maree's story -- I always thought I had time 2108 The sandwich generation and the younger generation 2139 You can't spend it if you're dead -- the importance of wellbeing 23110 It doesn't end here: Next steps and the importance of advice 241Pino and Rita's story -- all advisers are not the same 258Glossary 261
Marc Bineham, now part of the sandwich generation himself, has had a long career of over 30 years in the financial advice profession. Now as a Money Coach, Marc continues to help families to get on top of their money worries, to manage their money better and live a more fulfilled and balanced life.